Caroline Reuterskiöld
Caroline Reuterskiöld
CEO Berner Industrier
Member of group management. Employed 2022
Born: 1976
Education: MSc in Engineering Physics from Chalmers University of Technology and graduation from Chalmers School of Entrepreneurship. Courses from Harvard Business School Executive Education.
Other current positions: Board member Athanase Innovation AB, board assignments in subsidiaries of Berner Industrier.
Shareholding in Berner Industrier AB: 62,800 class B shares including related parties’ holdings, 80,000 class B warrants

Henrik Nordin
Henrik Nordin
CFO Berner Industrier
Member of group management. Employed 2022
Born: 1967
Education: Extensive university studies in economics, organization and management including Darden University, Virginia.
Other current positions: Board assignments in subsidiaries of Berner Industrier.
Shareholding in Berner Industrier AB: 13,018 class B shares, 50,000 class B warrants

Marcus Wigren
Marcus Wigren
Managing director Zander & Ingeström
Employed 2022
Born: 1975
Education: Degree in engineering, with a specialization in data and electronics, from Linköping University, and a master’s degree in economics from Örebro University.
Other current positions: Member of the board in Zander & Ingeström and Swedenborg.
Shareholding in Berner Industrier AB: 40,000 class B warrants

Henrik Westerholm
Henrik Westerholm
Managing director Christian Berner Oy
Employed 2006
Born: 1970
Education: Engineer in Machine Automation from the Institute of Technology in Helsinki.
Other current positions: Member of the board in Christian Berner Oy.
Shareholding in Berner Industrier AB: 9,266 class B shares, 20 000 class B warrants

Mattias Lysebring
Mattias Lysebring
Managing director Christian Berner AB
Employed 2024
Born: 1980
Education: Courses in Sustainability, Pareto MBA
Other current positions: –
Shareholding in Berner Industrier AB: –

Joakim Nilsson
Joakim Nilsson
Managing director Swedenborg
Employed 2022
Born: 1982
Education: Mechanical engineer from Chalmers University of Technology
Other current positions: Board member of Swedenborg
Shareholding in Berner Industrier AB: 470 class B shares. 20,000 class B warrants

Even Magnus Moholdt
Even Magnus Moholdt
Managing director of Christian Berner AS
Employed 2023
Born: 1974
Education: MSc in Industrial Economics from Norwegian University of Technology and Science, NTNU.
Other current positions: –
Shareholding in Berner Industrier AB: 1,000 class B shares. 20,000 class B warrants

Per Thomas Fredriksen
Per Thomas Fredriksen
Managing director of Empakk
Employed 2023, Managing director of Empakk 2025.
Born: 1981
Education: Chemical engineer. University studies in management and organization.
Other current positions:
Shareholding in Berner Industrier AB:

Katarina Munter
Katarina Munter
Managing director of Bullerbekämparen
Employed 2023
Born: 1970.
Education: University studies in Leadership and Organization, Environmental Studies and Quality and Business Development. Technical high school in chemistry.
Other current positions: –
Shareholding in Berner Industrier AB: 10,000 class B warrants

Jan Dehn
Jan Dehn
Managing director A/S Christian Berner
Born: 1964
Education: B. Sc. In Engineering
Shareholding in Berner Industrier AB: –

Sara Johansson
Sara Johansson
HR Manager Berner Industrier
Employed 2021
Born: 1988
Education: Personnel and payroll administration, Yrkeshögskolan i Mölnlycke
Shareholding in Berner Industrier AB: 250 class B shares. 5,000 class B warrants