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Vision and Targets

We create innovative technical solutions for a sustainable society.

Berner Industrier’s overall goal is for the Group to achieve a sustained, sustainable, and satisfactory profitability and growth.

Our financial targets enable both investments in our existing companies and acquisitions of new exiting businesses that complement the companies we already have. A growing business also creates development opportunities for our employees and makes us an attractive employer, which in turn helps us to be a valued partner for our customers and suppliers.

Financial targets

The Group’s long-term financial targets is to achieve average annual sales growth of at least 10 per cent over a business cycle, including acquisitions. The EBITA margin should average 9 per cent over a business cycle. The company’s equity/assets ratio shall be at least 35 per cent and the return on equity at least 25 per cent.

The Board’s ambition is for shareholders to receive a good dividend yield and dividend growth. Berners Industrier’s goal is to distribute 30-50 per cent of profit after tax. When proposing a dividend, the company’s financial position, cash flow, acquisition opportunities and future prospects are taken into account.