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Berner Industrier is a Nordic industrial group in sustainable technology that operates in a number of attractive and growing niche markets. The Group offers innovative products and solutions that help solve the challenges of our societies through technology. Key areas include clean energy, clean water and sustainable resource utilisation. The Group consists of eight companies that together have about 215 employees across the Nordic region and annual revenues of about SEK 950 million. Berner Industrier was founded in 1897 and has been listed on Nasdaq Stockholm Main Market since 2017. The share’s ticker symbol is BERNER

  • Number of companies 8
  • Approx. number of employees 215

Business areas


Technology & Distribution

Helps customers in both industry and the public sector to reduce resource consumption, improve the surrounding environment or in other ways improve operations.


Energy & Environment

Increases sustainability in the energy, process and manufacturing industries through reduced emissions, reduced energy losses and/or improved working environment.

Annual report 2023

March 20, 2024 / 08:30 CET

The annual report for 2023 was published on March 20, 2024.

Interim Report Q2 2024

July 19, 2024 / 06:00 CET

The Q2 interim report of 2024 was released on July 19, 2024.


CEO letter

Caroline Reuterskiöld

“We work continuously to unlock the full potential of the Group’s companies”

Interim report Q2 2024

Meet our entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurship is one of our key drivers and well integrated into our governance model. Meet some of the peolple who have joined us.
