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Technology & Distribution

The business area Technology & Distribution consists of the distribution operations in the Nordic region, which operate under the Christian Berner brand, and the Norwegian company Empakk, which is a leading supplier of packaging solutions and machinery to the food industry.

The distribution business is represented by local companies in Sweden, Norway, Finland and Denmark and focuses on technical components and systems that help customers streamline their operations and value chain. For example, solutions are offered for water purification, packaging equipment and vibration damping. Technical plastics and process technology are other areas. The companies act primarily as a local distributor of leading manufacturers’ products, but also offer their own products in packaging materials and filling machines, among other things. Sales are mainly made locally, through each company’s organization.

A leading technology partner

The customers are found in various sectors of the industry, including railways, water and sewerage, the manufacturing and process industries, the timber and sawmill industries, and the mining industry. The public sector is also a customer group, including equipment and packaging materials for commercial kitchens that contribute to increased sustainability. The broad customer base provides a diversified risk profile.

Exciting areas for the future include water purification, vibration damping for rail traffic, various types of filter solutions or wear parts for the industry. Common to all parts of the business area is that there is a high level of technical expertise and curiosity about how we can work together to solve society’s challenges using various technical solutions.

Technology & Distribution net sales and EBITA margin

Clean up the foam under flowing water

Clean drinking water in Forshaga with advanced UV technology

The need for clean drinking water grows with the population, and for places with a lot of tourism, the needs can also vary greatly over the year. At the same time, we have increased the standards on our drinking water. This places increased demands on the municipalities to be able to manage the security of the water supply, while at the same time we also want to minimize the environmental impact of water treatment in the form of energy needs and the use of chemicals.

One municipality with all of the above challenges is Forshaga municipality in Värmland, Sweden, which has improved its municipal waterworks from the 1970s to ensure access to clean drinking water. After an extensive renovation and upgrade in 2022, they implemented a microbarrier with UV disinfection with the help of advice from Christian Berner AB. In 2023, Christian Berner AB delivered certified UV units from ULTRAAQUA to optimize operations. The system can be adapted to different operating conditions, such as increased needs during the tourist season and has doubled the capacity, which has increased the security of the water supply. In addition to securing the water supply, the system thus meant energy savings by being flexible, while the technology effectively eliminates pollutants and microorganisms from the plant’s drinking water source, Lake Visten in Deje. In addition, the UV treatment ensures water quality with a significantly lower need for chemicals in the treatment, which further reduces the environmental impact of the treatment. 

Christian Berner AB, Sverige

case 2

Christian Berner AS has developed an environmental station for Skanska

When drilling or blasting tunnels, for example, large amounts of sludge are generated to handle. This is because water is used to bind stone dust from the work and thus prevent the dust from going into the air. Water is also used to cool the drill head. Usually, the sludge is transported to large sedimentation basins where rocks and rock dust sink to the bottom over time and are thus separated from the surface water. The basins take up large areas, and often the sludge needs to be transported long distances by truck to get there.

On behalf of Skanska, Norwegian Christian Berner AS has instead developed a mobile system for water purification in connection with tunnel drilling. The system can therefore be established on site at the project, which means that unnecessary transport of environmental waste, sludge residues, etc., can be significantly reduced and the water can be reused on site.

All equipment for separation and filtration is mobile and large parts fit in a movable 20-foot container. This means that Skanska can clean on site and then move the equipment to the next location, with major savings in transporting both sludge and water.

Christian Berner AS, Norge

Subsidiaries in this business area


Christian Berner AB, Sverige


Christian Berner Oy, Finland


Christian Berner AS, Norge


A/S Christian Berner, Danmark


Empakk AS, Norge