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Sustainability – an integral part of our business

Our vision is clear – We create innovative technical solutions for a sustainable society. For us, sustainability efforts are not just a task alongside the business, it is the business itself.

For every electric boiler Zander & Ingeström installs, we can in many cases replace oil, coal, biofuel or gas-generated steam production and water heating with electrically powered ones, often with lower resource and electricity consumption and lower emission generation as a result. At every workplace where Bullerbekämparen has been, they leave with significantly lower noise levels and a thus clearly improved working environment for the employees. When the Christian Berner companies have installed water treatment systems, more people will have access to cleaner water in a more resource-efficient way and with less or no need for chemicals. Vibration-damping materials from the Christian Berner companies improve the environment around rail-bound traffic. The list can be made long. Our long-standing high level of technical expertise and understanding of our customers’ processes is our strength. Being at the forefront of technology goes hand in hand with sustainability, where new technologies need to be continuously developed.

For us, sustainability work is an integral part of our business

In 2020, Berner Industrier signed the UN’s sustainability initiative Global Compact, which means that we as a group have committed to actively work with, and following, the Global Compact’s ten principles for sustainable development in the four areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. The principles are based on the UN Declaration of Human Rights, the ILO’s fundamental conventions on human rights at work, the Rio Declaration and the UN Convention against Corruption. Berner Industrier has issued a simplified status report (CoP) in which the Group confirms that we conduct our business in accordance with the 10 principles and demonstrates our accountability. The status report is published on the UN Global Compact’s website, available to the public.

Berner Industrier works actively according to Agenda 2030, containing the 17 global sustainability goals. The goals have helped to clarify that global sustainable development is closely linked to economic, environmental and social aspects, and that there needs to be a balance between the three, where economic sustainability is a prerequisite for both social and environmental sustainability, and vice versa and the basic prerequisite – good governance that ensures compliance at every stage.

Based on our stakeholder analysis, we have also chosen to build our 2023 report around the E-S-G framework. E stands for Environment, and in that area we describe our environmental work both internally, but also in several of our solutions that help society’s transition in general. S for Social, where we describe our work to develop ourselves as a good employer and social actor. Finally, G stands for Governance, and in this section we describe our governance work, including ensuring respect for human rights and combating corruption.

In 2024, we will continue to work on stakeholder dialogues as part of our double materiality analysis to prepare for CSRD.