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Nomination Committee

The Nomination Committee of Berner Industrier shall consist of one representative of each of the three largest shareholders in terms of votes. The Nomination Committee appoints a Chairman from among its members.

The Nomination Committee’s task is to prepare proposals for the Annual General Meeting regarding Board members, Chairman of the Board, auditor and remuneration of the Board of Directors and auditor and, where applicable, to adjust the guidelines for the ap pointment of the Nomination Committee. The Nomination Committee’s proposals, as well as the reasoned statement, are presented to the Annual General Meeting.

Ahead of the 2024 Annual General Meeting, the Nomination Committee has consisted of Sten Ankarcrona (appointed by Conjeco), David Zaudy (appointed by Cervantes Capital) and Joachim Berner (appointed by Gårdaverken), who is also the Chairman of the Board. The Chairman of the Nomination Committee is Sten Ankarcrona