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Record and payment dates for Christian Berner Tech Trade’s second dividend instalment for the financial period 2022

Record and payment dates for Christian Berner Tech Trade’s second dividend instalment for the financial period 2022

The Annual General Meeting of Christian Berner Tech Trade AB (publ) held on 27 April 2023 resolved on a dividend payment of SEK 0.60 per share in two instalments for the financial period that ended on 31 December 2022. The first dividend instalment of SEK 0.30 per share was paid 5 May 2023.

In its meeting on 29 August 2023, the Board of Directors of Christian Berner Tech Trade decided on the record date and payment date of the second dividend instalment, based on the authorisation given by the Annual General Meeting. The dividend shall be paid to shareholders who are registered in the list of shareholders maintained by Euroclear Stockholm on the dividend record day 1 September 2023. The dividend payment day shall be 8 September 2023.

Stockholm 29 August 2023
Christian Berner Tech Trade AB (publ)
Board of Directors