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New managing director in a subsidiary of Berner Industrier

Mattias Lysebring will be the new managing director of Berner Industrier Swedish subsidiary Christian Berner AB. No later than January 1, 2025, he will succeed the current managing director, Hans Lindqvist.

Mattias Lysebring brings the experience from a number of previous roles as managing director in technology-based companies. Most recently, he comes from a role as managing director of Profsafe.

"I look forward to continuing to develop Christian Berner AB to new heights, with a focus on increased profitability and sustainable technical solutions," says Mattias Lysebring.

Hans Lindqvist has worked in the group since 2018. He was initially employed as supply chain manager within Christian Berner AB, but was soon elevated to the managing director role as his predecessor focused on the role of CEO. Over the years has also held a role as managing director and board member in the Danish subsidiary A/S Christian Berner and as a board member of the subsidiary Bullerbekämparen AB.

"Hans Lindqvist has been a strong and loyal force that has contributed to the development of several of the group's subsidiaries and is a highly valued colleague in the group. Now is a good time to hand over the baton," comments Caroline Reuterskiöld, CEO of Berner Industrier and continues:
"We are excited that Mattias will join us, who with a strong commitment to sustainable technology and an entrepreneurial spirit can lift Christian Berner AB and the group to the next level," says Caroline Reuterskiöld.

Mattias Lysebring takes up his new position at the end of the year, at the latest.