The buyer is Eklandia Fastighets AB, which has direct access to the property in combination with the purchase. The underlying value of the property is 85 million SEK.
“Eklandia is a long-term, professional property owner with a broad commitment in Mölnlycke Business Park. For the Christian Berner Group this sale means we can free up capital and the management can focus more on the development of our core business where we see an exciting time ahead,” says Joachim Berner, chairman of the board and main owner of Christian Berner Invest AB and Christian Berner Tech Trade AB.
Christian Berner AB has signed a long-term lease with Eklandia Fastighets AB. The property was built in 2006 and has a lettable area of approx. 5 000 square meters.
“This profile property with its modern design and technology complements our property portfolio in an excellent way and is in total alignment with our investment strategy. We also take the opportunity to welcome Christian Berner AB as tenants to Eklandia and look forward to good cooperation,” says Tage Christoffersson, CEO of Eklandia Fastighets AB.
Newsec acted as advisors to Christian Berner on the sale.